Released by AMC (via, the upcoming season 7 premiere episode is titled ‘The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be.’ This title is a reference that calls all the way back to the first season finale, where Noah Emmerich’s Dr. Edwin Jenner spoke this exact phrase to Rick, after letting him go off into the world, rather than blow up in the Center for Disease Control.
根据AMC透露(来自连环漫画杂志),第七季首集的标题是“百般不愿,这一天还是来了”这个题目是第一季结尾那个电话的一个提示,当Noah Emmerich的Edwin Jenner博士对Rick说出这些严密的话,让他离开去往这个世界,而不是为了控制疾病在广场爆发。